Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Opinion: Canada's Senate enters 2017 embracing a new openness

Opinion: Canada's Senate enters 2017 embracing a new openness
The Senate of Canada is now arguably the most social-media-friendly legislative assembly in the world, Senator Leo Housakos writes. Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS


In order to know where the Senate is going in 2017, one need only look where we went in 2016.

As members of Canada’s “House of Sober Second Thought,” we’ve faced our challenges. We’ve heard Canadians. And we have continued to make changes to better meet Canadians’ expectations.
Canadians work hard to provide for their families. They pay taxes with the expectation that their money will be used respectfully and prudently.

That’s why we’re ensuring transparency and accessibility go hand in hand with good governance.

As chair of both the Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration and the Senate Subcommittee on Communications, I am proud of the steps my colleagues and I are taking to ensure greater accountability to and dialogue with Canadians.

It starts with complete openness.

Did you know Canadians can now attend the meetings of our Internal Economy Committee or listen in real time? Our committee then uploads audio and full transcripts from these meetings to our website as quickly as we can translate them into both official languages.

We took this unprecedented step of opening up our meetings so Canadians can see and hear not only how their tax dollars are being put to use, but also how and why those decisions are made.
Meanwhile, the House of Commons’s equivalent Board of Internal Economy is held in private and prefers to upload selective minutes of meetings after months of delay.

Furthermore, the Senate adopted a new method of disclosing information about each senator’s expenses. A more detailed breakdown of senators’ travel expenses and service contracts are available online. Senators’ attendance records are now also published online.

To match the increased spirit of transparency, we have built on our commitment to better communicate the work done in the Senate with Canadians.

The result has been a communications strategy that is truly reflective of the 21st century — including live-tweeting the progress of legislation during debates in the chamber and livestreaming news conferences and discussion panels.

The Senate shares content on Facebook. We post photos on Instagram. We publish content almost daily to SenCAPlus, our new digital magazine.

The Senate of Canada is now arguably the most social-media-friendly legislative assembly in the world.

These formal changes have helped us highlight the strong substance of the upper chamber.

And this substance is as critical as ever.

When debating Bill C-14, the government’s medical assistance in dying legislation, senators dove into the deep ethical dimensions of the legislation. Important amendments were made and accepted by the House of Commons, including barriers on beneficiaries’ ability to incite the assisted death of a loved one, requirements that palliative care be offered first and the creation of a timeline for independent study once legalized.

Much of our work takes place in Senate committees, which release regular substantive reports on issues that affect Canadians.
Recent reports have covered a variety of subjects, such as protecting intellectual property, reducing internal trade barriers and creating a pipeline strategy that balances economic growth, environmental protection and indigenous rights.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the serious work senators do to fill gaps left by the more populist lower chamber.
The upper chamber is an institution that forms part of the bedrock of our country, as the Fathers of Confederation so aptly stressed.

The Senate has always had a vital constitutional role to play in deliberating over House of Commons legislation, proposing its own legislation and in conducting in-depth, independent research on public issues.

Going into 2017, we’re confident that the Senate’s improved and improving openness will continue to a go a long way in helping Canadians see how essential and responsive our institution is.

Senator Leo Housakos served as Senate Speaker; he is the chair of the Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration and the Subcommittee on Communications and he represents the division of Wellington in Quebec.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

How the Senate changed in 2016 — and what it means for the government’s agenda for 2017

How the Senate changed in 2016 — and what it means for the government’s agenda for 2017

A view of the Senate chamber.
Andrew Forget/Postmedia/FileA view of the Senate chamber.   

OTTAWA — 2016 was a transformative year for Canada’s Senate, and a revitalized upper chamber will likely exert even more influence on the federal government’s agenda in 2017.

Senators of all stripes, including the new contingent of independents the Liberal government has appointed, appear to be reinterpreting the chamber’s “sober second thought” mandate in a more activist light. Here’s what you need to know about the year Canadian senators just had, and what may lie ahead:

It’s independents’ day
Postmedia and Canadian Press files
Postmedia and Canadian Press filesSeven of the new senate appointees. Top row, from left to right: Raymonde Gagne, Justice Murray Sinclair, V. Peter Harder, and Frances Lankin. Bottom row, from left to right: Ratna Omidvar, Chantal Petitclerc, and Andre Pratte.

Stephen Harper left a lot of seats empty in the red chamber, and his successor Justin Trudeau has filled 28 of them via an independent advisory board. That process, especially for the 21 appointed this fall after an open application process, wasn’t without criticism, since many believed the appointees reflected small-l liberal values.

Still, public polling favours a less-partisan Senate, and independents now form the biggest group in the chamber. Most are now part of a formal Independent Senators Group, led by “facilitator” Sen. Elaine McCoy. They say they won’t vote together, unless it’s on Senate rules and logistics to help them operate in what’s always been a two-party system.

A new round of applications launched in December for six more vacancies anticipated next year: one in New Brunswick, two in Ontario and three in Nova Scotia. At least one average Joe who didn’t get appointed in the last round, an Ottawa hot dog vendor, said he’ll re-apply.
Meanwhile, senators continue to discuss how the chamber should work. The Independent Senators Group will hold meetings Feb. 2 and 3 to “define their vision of the Senate of the future,” according to a recent press release.

And in December, independent senators struck two important deals with the their Liberal and Conservative counterparts: one to increase the size of Senate committees so a proportionate number of independents would sit on them, and another to give independent senators an office budget for the first time ever.

 A Senate staffer confirmed the independent caucus will have a budget of $722,000 for 2017/18 — still less than the more-than-$1-million partisan caucuses get.

The Senate is reforming itself — or trying to

Adrian Wyld / The Canadian Press
Adrian Wyld / The Canadian PressJustin Trudeau has said he wants the Senate to be truly independent, not an appendage of the governing party.

Its communications branch has been overhauled and now produces infographics, live-tweets debates and gets Senators to sing carpool karaoke.

Starting last fall, the Senate started requiring proactive disclosure from all senators’ offices, including detailed financial information — one way they’re trying to exorcise ;the ghosts of expense scandals past.

And in October, a first report from the Senate’s modernization committee suggested a swath of changes that could further upset the status quo, including the overhaul of Senate spending rules, formalizing the election of a speaker (rather than appointment by prime minister), mandating the appearance of government ministers to answer questions, and televising Senate proceeedings.

The debate over logistics is also far from over. While Peter Harder, the government’s representative in the Senate, has said the chamber will no longer be home to the government-versus-opposition Westminster model, senators from both parties are defending the need for an organized group to poke holes in government legislation.

They’re changing government bills — and beating them to the punch

Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press
Adrian Wyld/The Canadian PressA Senate committee has said some government legislation must be split into smaller bills to be dealt with fairly.

The newly independent-minded Senate has exerted more influence over government bills than has been seen in recent memory.

During a debate over physician-assisted dying law in May and June, the Senate sent amendments back to the House of Commons that would have changed the bill to more closely align it with a Supreme Court decision (and therefore the constitution). The amendments were largely rejected, but it was a first major wake-up call for a Commons unused to pushback from senators.

Then the Senate finance committee spurred the government to amend its budget implementation bill, C-29, to preserve provincial consumer protection. It also voted to amend tax bill C-2 to shift more savings to people at the lower end of the middle tax bracket, though the Senate’s speaker ruled the amendment out of order (tax measures can’t originate from the Senate).

Most recently, the Senate aboriginal peoples committee sent a letter to Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett asking the government to get a court extension and fix its bill on gender discrimination in Indian Act registration, S-3 — which originated from the Senate.

Five bills are now making their way through the Senate and a bunch more are coming, including C-22, a controversial bill that would establish a parliamentary oversight committee for Canada’s security and intelligence agencies.

Meanwhile, the Senate’s still waiting to hear back on another one of the bills it amended. In June, the Senate changed C-7, the RCMP union bill, to remove exemptions from what can be brought up in collective bargaining. But the House of Commons still hasn’t come back with a decision on whether to accept or reject that amendment. Watch for a conclusion early in 2017, when Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale is expected to revisit the file.

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