Saturday, April 26, 2014

I LOVE The Senate of Canada

 We knew in advance ...The Supremos are right.
Harper just wanted to hear it and he heard clearly. 
My take on the Supreme Court’s Senate decision: our constitutional motto might as well be “can’t be done”

CLICK HERE:  Andrew Coyne: Supreme Court ensures our widely reviled patronage house (the Senate) will stay forever
The first words of the American constitution are ‘We the people.’ The first words of the Canadian Constitution might as well be ‘can’t be done’

  • 4 people like this.
  • Zanna Joyce I dunno Andrew. I would just like to return to a time when you didn't have to consider yourself a fool if you just wanted to trust that people rising to these positions would act ethically and take their oaths to act on behalf of the citizenry seriously.....
    3 hrs · Like · 2

  • Janice E. Hurlbut I thought the question to the Supreme Court was what can we do to evolve the Senate, for example, the honour system needs better definition, or better yet, trash it and replace it with the same systems most of us use to claim expenses.

  • Stephen Duggan You mean "can't be done . . . unless the stakeholders agree." Boohoo.

  • Paul M. Lauzon I love the SENATE ..I blame all its failings on the Appointment process ...Of course its always the prerogative on the PM the $ stops with the PM of the all appointment must reflect the judgement of the PM ..there is enough great people that are top in a large number of discipline in the country to choose from withOUT resorting to political Doctors,Lawyers,business people, Health professional..teachers and the list gores on.. OH! and journos army generals and Joe lunch pail ..

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